I wanted to provide a bit of spelling feedback from the 'readme':
* Space images in screensaver: Coutesy NASA/JPL-Caltech -- Courtesy
** Feel free to contact me for feeback & bug reports. --- feedback
No disrespect here at all - just trying to help.

yanshuly posted on 12.12.2022 | 15:54:
same hereClaygHutch posted on 12.12.2022 | 13:42:
Black Screen after exit of screensaver!ClaygHutch posted on 12.12.2022 | 13:42:
Black Screen after exit of screensaver!Friend of Data posted on 25.07.2022 | 03:25:
Hi Friend of Data, sorry that you too are encountering this bug. I am still looking into it. I have a hard time of replicating this bug. And this makes it more difficult to locate & squash the bug